Sunday, July 15, 2012


well i just made the move back to prescott, arizona! it's hard to put words to how amazing it feels to be back, today has just been wonderful. i was traveling for a month and now i'm home.. it's the first time i've felt like that for years. yesterday on my drive i spent a significant amount of time sorting through details for some of the new projects i'm developing as i shift the direction of my business. i am so excited and i can't wait to re-introduce myself to the world wide web!

all the way home it was rainy and grey, just how i like it. moody weather is so inspiring to me, i feel so creative and alive. i had to pull my car over a few times to do some impromptu photo shoots in the spirit of rebirth.
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rain cleanses the earth, photography cleanses my soul.
look, my hair is growing back a titch! shaving my head was the beginning of my self-reinvention which is now translating to other areas of my life. i feel like a baby in so many ways, doors have opened that i didn't know existed and i'm ready to walk through them. Pin It Now!


Stacey said...

Your feet pictures make me smile every time I see one :) You look great!

ajehz and m said...

Wow. Some of your finest work.