about me

here's a bit of useless information about me:)

most embarrassing moment that is appropriate for the internet:
i got on the wrong plane once, almost ended up in new york instead of houston.

favorite thing to do:
relax + anything that involves food and music. :)
also, i love scouring the internet for pretty things and interesting information. google is the greatest educator.

wildest dream:
i gave birth to a cat and it could talk, immediately.

quotes i live by:
"i am seeking, i am striving, i am in it with all my heart." - vincent van gogh

"if you judge people, you have no time to love them." - mother theresa

"follow your bliss." - joseph campbell

"the ability we have to feel moved by the gift and expressions of other people or the universe around us, the ability we have to move them in return,,, these are our single greatest gifts, providing the impetus for everything meaningful in our lives." - jesh de rox

a couple of reasons why i'm silly (or weird, depending on your view of the world):
when i lived with roommates i would put a smily face next to my name when i labeled my food.. the hope was that instead of my name conveying "this is MINE. don't touch. - HEATHER" it would instead say "hey there! thanks for being a good person and not eating this because it's mine, friend:)" why did i want the second message? i am overly concerned about hurting feelings and being a nice person.. i know, it's a weird manifestation of this trait, thus the label of this paragraph though, eh? the end of that phase was this: one of my roommates told me that our other roommate ate some of my food because "she thought the smilie face meant it was for everyone!" fail.

i like taking pictures of myself making ugly faces on my cell phone and txting them to my friends. weeeeird!

the driving part of any excursion is almost always more fun for me than what i'm driving to go do.

i think mayonnaise is replusive but once i put it in my hair because a girl told me it was the best thing you could do for your hair. it didn't make it any healthier and i almost threw up.

more random and useless information i feel like sharing:
- no, weddings don't make me wistful, they make me hopeful and extremely happy.
- i don't care for most movies, i prefer TV. it's more engaging and entertaining.. favorites: the office, arrested development, modern family.
- i swoon over music. favorites: anything moving. my staples are coldplay, greg laswell, mat kearney, imogen heap, and i have to admit, i love owl city.. i'm more of a song than band person though.. my theme song is "steer" by missy higgins. AMAZING lyrics and amazing music. it's so alive. my car dance song is "walking on a dream" by empire of the sun. my muse song is "now we are free" by hans zimmer & lisa gerrard and my wangster song is "i'm so paid" by akon..:) ta-da.
- i tend to carry on a bit when i start writing. obviously.

bless you
if you read this entire page. :)

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