i spent the night last night in south jordan, and my cousin marian asked to come back to provo with me to stay the night. therefore, SLEEPOVER! oh my goodness we've been having fun! currently she's asleep and i should be, but of course as is usual for me at 2am, i am not- i am here, online. we stopped at walmart on our way back to buy some food, nail polish, lipstick (marian's request, as modeled in the first image) and a movie. a true girls night:) we went swimming for a while which was a riot, ate mac and cheese for dinner (i tried it with salsa tonight.. MMM! delish), watched a movie, and then painted marian's nails. i told her she could pick any color and asked her multiple times at walmart if she really wanted what she chose, which was black. yes, yes she did. i wanted to take some fun pictures with an off camera flash, and as seen in this first image, she got bored while waiting for the fun to begin.. she was so patient with me though and didn't give me a hard time about it:) haha i appreciate it when people put up with my photo madness.

1 comment:
You are the coolest older Janis cousin. Quit showing us up ;)
I bet Marian just loved being with you! That was so sweet! I can't believe she picked black nail polish... Maybe we should be worried?
Love the OCF look!
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