Wednesday, June 17, 2009


NEWS, i am signed up for a photo workshop for August 12.. not just any workshop though. oh no, this one is going to be AMAZING because it's
3. in california
2. a full day with 15 other photographers (i'll admit, while i'm excited i'm already nervous from intimidation)
1. it's with The Image is Found photography team of Nate and Jaclyn Kaiser who i have been blog-stalking for months.

i am incredibly excited. it's going to take everything to a new level.


other news, i am buying a new camera in mid-july. it will be SO awesome. no doubt, i'm moving up!

also, i am going to update my website soon. yay!

this is the kind of week it's been:
Pin It Now!


Kylee said...

That is tooooo cool! You will do so great! I'm way excited for you!

heather lorraine said...

Thanks Kylee:) I think it's going to be AWESOME!!